Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 7

I haven't posted everyday because it's gonna get kind of repetitive.

So far I've just been eating a lot of fresh fruits, hearty salads, and green smoothies. I don't really have access to my dehydrator yet and nuts should really be soaked before eating so I haven't done anything TOO intense. BUT I am not sick and tired of fresh vibrant food yet.. . so it's not really an issue.

So far, I have noticed a few minor things...
my skin is looking pretty nice- softer and clearer.
I have a TON of energy for not having ate quite as much as I usually would.
I did yoga on Monday and I noticed that usually I would be thinking all the time about what I did that day, what I am going to do the next day and sometimes even "Wow this is such a great class, I should do this more often I should practice yoga more... and so on and so forth..." but I was just IN the moment savoring the peace and I feel like I need so much less when I am keeping my life simple with the power of raw. oh, also, I smell SO much better now that I have been eating this way. I will sweat like a wild animal out in the hot hot heat and still smell like a goddess. RAW!!! It's amazing. I'm beating my cravings and feeling GREAT! I don't think I have lost any weight yet, it hasn't been noticeable anyway but I sure feel great.

this morning:

Almond milk + cacao + mila + hemp + vanilla + coconut butter + blueberries

LOTS of  high quality h2o before and after ze bikeride of downtown Clermont
1 cherry larabar
and for dinner...

hand crafted guac made with 1 diced roma tomato, 6-7 jalapenos, corn, garlic, sea salt and pep. (*add cilantro if you have it)  + 4 cups of spinach + 2 cups of arugala + 4 HUGE black olives + 1/2 cucumber +
1/2 a handful of raw corn chips on top + green pepper. Sprinkling of hemp seeds over the top ... oh yeah and very important... LOVE ... : ) the best ingredient of all...
mmm... what a beautiful day. I hope the stars are out tonight so I can go star gazing on sugarloaf MT!

Gabriel Cousens stresses the importance of eating a sattvic diet in his book "Spiritual Nutrition"- whole, natural fruits, veggies, nuts + seeds, and some grains. A modern sattvic diet emphasizes foods grown in harmony with Natures bounty by organic farmers and grown on good soils, ripened naturally and importantly ... prepared with positivity and love. these foods carry a higher prana or consciousness. NOT included in this way of eating are.... extremely spicy, salty, fried foods , white flour, white sugar, and other forms of food that are absolutely refined and unnaturally stimulate blood sugar levels. Microwaved, GMO, irradiated, or anything prepared over 24 hours in advance are discluded. BEST choices are home prepared foods with love and consciousness from home or organic restaurants like... cafe 118 degrees.

"...Certain foods affect the qualities of the mind in particular ways. These qualities or states of mind are latent in everyone. In Ayurveda they are divided into 3 categories, called gunas. ANYONE who is in the physical body is subject to the subtle forces of the three gunas... called sattvic, rajasic, and tamasic."

"A sattvic state of mind is clear, peaceful, and harmonious. It is typified by the pure living spiritual aspirant. The rajasic state is active, restless, worldly, and aggressive- the mental state of warriors and corporate executives. The tamasic state is lethargic, impulsive, cruel, and morally and physically degenerate. It is typified by our stereotype of the drug addict or thief." 
"Diet influeneces the state of mind, and the state of mind influences the diet choice." Sometime, something or someone has got to give, because if it doesn't there is not going to be a change. "Members of the trad. warrior class would choose rajasic diet b/c it stimulated their minds and bodies into a war like state. Spiritual aspirants normally choose the sattvic diet and way of life." Whatever you choose just make sure you are doing it to aspire to a state of well being and harmony and not a self righteous religion that you in your own conceptions. Simply be. live, laugh and love.

Blessed be,


Saturday, September 24, 2011

day two...

day two...

Today I had a green smoothie to start the beautiful day right.
3 cups of fresh spinache
Odwalla green smoothie green machine as the liquid...
coconut butter
two scoops of hemp seeds
two scoops of mila
1 grande banana
a splash of OJ
a touch of basil
and it's perfect! NO sugar needed=(^_^)=

a HUGE salad for lunch at the hummus house with Brandon Constant! I did have falafal on it, but that was my 'cooked' food for the day.

One fabulous honeycrisp apple and TONS of water!

I feel a little lethargic today. I had enough energy but I didn't get a ton of sleep last night. I've been full for the most part but I noticed I have some cravings. . . wheat mostly. But I'll stand strong! No means no! Oh, also... I have noticed I've been pooping a lot more. JUST SO you know, be prepared. This is a bare all blog btw so expect all the details.

so far so good. . . 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day one...

Ok, so I just got back from Hawaii Yesterday FULLY inspired to do a raw foods fast. I've decided to do at least 70% of my diet raw but aiming for 70-100%. After being in the Great White North for five months it was taxing on my bod to eat a lot of the rubbish that I did. SO ... to get back on track, I really need to get clean! It's going to be stressful but it's worth it! Today is not a usual day because I'm super jet lagged but everyday I'll give a run through of what I'm eating... aka MENU! and how I feel at the end of the day so you, if you are interested can know what to expect when you are taking the challenge up yourself.
By making the decision to eat mostly living food is more than just a diet, it's a lifestyle. The philosophy of a mostly raw diet is pretty revolutionary. It fundamentally changes the way you think about food. hense... REVOLUTION! By partaking in this movement one will start to change the way you look at the world and interact with those in it. The theory is that the overall physical, spiritual and mental health will fit together and our eternal quest for peace will be much more attainable when this one simple change is made. Nutrients are food for our cells and what we decide to feed them with is up to us. . . it's what our entire chi depends on for life. IF we have to eat, why not do it right?  Living foods and raw foods are in fact different interestingly enough. The difference? Raw is its uncooked state and living foods have enzymes circling through them.

Today, I was jet lagged and woke up around 1:30 so my first day is probably going to look a little different than yours.

I had one large avacado this morning with salt and pepper
a quarter of a cantaloupe and two apples
a HUGE salad with hemp seeds romaine, tomatoes, and arugala
and some raw macadamia nuts FROM HAWAII!
It's important to get 5 - 9 servings of fruits and veggies a day for optimum health.
A serving=
veg: 1 cup leafy veggies 1/2 cup chopped veggies or 3/4 cup 100% veggie juice!
fruit: 1 apple, banana or orange, 1/2 chopped fruit or 3/4 cup 100% fruit juice!

Vitamins A, C, and E function as antioxidants. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals in the body! Foods cooked below 118 degrees help to slow the aging process.

STAY HYDRATED!!!! water keeps the body hydrated at a cellular level and provides nutrients that maintain your skins health! Silicon, a trace mineral that helps keep your skin and hair vibrantly radiant  is found in the popular and delicious apples, oranges, and strawberries and are lousy with micronutrients.

It's important to stay spiritually sound as well so when you find yourself reaching for something toxic! STOP! don't touch me there... this is my private square... ;)
read something enlightening and think about all the good that resistance will do for your soul. Practicing resistance in any situation is a good idea. If you can't even tell yourself no, how will you do it to someone else?

I'm excited to start the healing process!
Live long and prosper!