Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kombucha and the power of raw!

KOMBUCHA!!! So far the strawberry is the best! Partly because it was given to me with love and partly because it is so delicious!

Kombucha is a handcrafted chinese herb tea that is delicately cultured for about a month. Essential nutrients form during this time of fermentation like active enzymes, viable probiotics, amino acids, antioxidants and polyphenols. This tonic helps restore and balance your body and increases vitality! 20% Vitamin B1, B3, B12 and B6. It tastes as mild as an apple cider to as intense as a light wine depending on the fermentation level.  I really like synergy brand organic RAW kombucha simply because it is raw and I trust them.Kombucha supports:
Immune health
Weight control
Healthy Liver Function
Anti-aging properties
cell integrity
and healthy skin and hair (*due to all the B complex!)
Kombucha is loaded with amino acids and electrolytes!
As a lot of you probably already know Kombucha was pulled from the shelves of healthfood stores across the nations because of a heightened alcohol content. WELL it's back and better than ever and if you pop the top just a bit it will ferment like it was before so not to worry! It's one of the ONLY things that helps me when I'm having chronic stomach aches --it works SO much better than any digestive enzyme out there. Also, if you have been taking antibiotics it replenishes the good bacteria in your body that help fight off infections. If you are interested in making your own HOME MADE Kombucha you can buy the culture mushrooms for the process here: It should make a lot so you can share with friends! I've never tried making it but some people like doing it themselves! it's kind of expensive when you can go to Chamberlins (health food store) and buy them for only $3!!! I just stocked up!  It's a great way to jump start the system! I swear by it!

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