Consider this an introduction. I couldn't be more excited about food! I would love to introduce you to some of these culinary sensations that are sweeping my nation. Being Vegan is not hard- and I want everyone to know it. Being vegan is a wonderful thing anyone can do to reverse health problems and feel great! IF you eat the right foods of course. There is some hype about the veggie lifestyle. However, usually that is not the case. I guess it would be a good idea to first identify what technically these terms mean...
Vegetarian (Lacto-ovo)- a person who does not eat animal flesh. Incorporates dairy and eggs.
Vegan- a person who does not partake in any foods that come from animals. Gelatin, dairy, eggs, leather, fur etc.
Raw Foodist- Doesn't heat their foods above 118 degrees to preserve the delicate proteins, enzymes and mineral. The food is higher in nutrients and gives a feeling of lightness.
Now we are clear and are on the same page! It is helpful to personally set goals for yourself but try not to label yourself as soley one of these terms because as great as it is to incorporate new food remember YOU make your decisions. Don't let labels control your life : )
There are some myths regarding Vegan/Raw eating that I'd like to address first.
It's expensive! Veggies are usually the cheaper part of the meal. It's the "mock" meats and processed soy products that are $$$. To be honest we shouldn't be eating those especially not as staples. Not only is it inexpensive, but by eating more raw veggies you are getting more nutrients per serving and will likely not be as snacky throughout the day! Wallet is happy.t
It's good for you to eat meat. It's what our bodies need.
Meat is the LAST thing we need. It's so taxing on our bodies to break that shit down! The digestion process begins in our mouths with saliva. Our saliva compared to that of a carnivore like a lion is alkaline while theirs is acidic. Not only that but the hydrochloric acid content of a carnivores stomache is ours times ten! When we eat animal flesh it rots and ferments in our intestines because it has SUCH a long way to travel. Carnivores have short intestinal tracks. Lastly, if you notice animals that eat a lot of meat spend much of their time sleeping because it IS so taxing.
Compare our anatomy to that of herbivores from any walk of life. We have the most in common with them. It's science fact. Not science fiction. Sci-Fa.
ALso, Green leafy veggies are so much more nutrient dense than meat, which is part protein, yes... but also a large portion of fat. Veggies have antioxidants, nutrients, and all the minerals we need except vitamin B12 that we can get from microbial enzymes.
There you have it. Not convinced?
I don't focus on animal cruelty ONLY but it is an important issue and it IS also part of the veg movement. Factory farms are a big issue as well. That is what you are supporting when you buy meat at your grocer. There is nothing to argue here. Factory farms are killing our planet ... raping our land ... murdering our animals and slowly killing us. 'nough said.
Where do Vegans get calcium?
Well, where do cows get their calcium? Where do Gorillas get their calcium? They are pretty big... and I've never heard of osteoporosis in these animals. Green leafy's have more calcium than milk. It's more absorbent by your body. Milk and milk products are capable of supplying calcium--but they are also animal protein, remember-- and animal proteins require calcium to be utilized by our bodies. There are readily available calcium stores in our bones so the body borrows it. Some of this borrowed calcium is replaced by the byproduct of the milk we just consumed but not all of it. THEREFORE you are destroying calcium in your bones... not storing it. Milk CAUSES the very disease it is sworn to prevent. It's like... our government wants us to be sick. The best things in life are free but they want the $$$. White beans and green veggies give all the calcium we need in this life! incorporate a salad and see how you feel!
All I ask is you give the veg lifestyle a chance. It will be hard to handle the first couple weeks because your processed food addiction is a monster that is taking over your body. We have a true body and false body. The true body is everything you could be. The healthy version of yourself. The false body is the fat... toxic ... and harmful body (habbits) that we chose to feed and keep living inside of us. Next time you eat... think about which body you want to feed. I just wanted to shine some light on the veg lifestyle. This is my choice but if it's not yours. Thats ok! Bioindividuality my friend.We could all use some easy healthier options these days and buying local and organic when possible is important for our community and our planet not to mention our bodies! Do as you please and still enjoy my recipes and restaurant suggestions. I couldn't be more excited about the culinary adventures to come. Let the beauty inside of you shine. Be happy. Be healthy. Be human. ^_^
Health Blessings,
The little green vegan.
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