- Coconut Water is More Nutritious than whole milk - Less fat and NO cholesterol!
- Coconut Water is more nourishing than OJ.
- Coconut Water contains lauric acid, which is present in human mother's milk!
- Coconut water is naturally sterile so bacteria don’t stand a chance!
- Coconut water is a universal donor-- Its identical to human blood plasma.
- Coconut Water is a Natural Isotonic Beverage - The same level we have in our blood in fact.
- Coconut water has saved lives in 3rd world countries through Coconut IV.
I don’t know about you… but I’m convinced. Coconut water is my favorite. So don’t keep your platelets waiting—get some today! Here are some pictures so you won’t be so intimidated to cut open your own. (The stuff in the bottle at health food stores SUCKS!!! Don’t get it. You have to cut open the coconut savagely at home in your own kitchen to get the full experience.)
This is young thai coconut water! Nourishing me to my very core and keeping my full of electrolytes. SO QUENCHING! |
This is the coconut that I cut open! It was super easy and I was so proud! You don't EVEN KNOW!. You can see the meat inside. This is really yummy in recipes and feels kind of like gelatin but isn't as gross. Here is a recipe I have for something delicious... I haven't made anything with the meat yet, but I am going to be on a raw foods fast and have a bunch of cravings I'm sure. YOU can be the first to try this one if you dare...
2 cups cashew soaked
2 cups coconut meat
1 cup water
1/4 cup umeboshi plum paste
2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup coconut butter warmed enough to make liquidy
High speed blender, blend all ice cream ingredients except the coconut butter. until smooth. Slowly add coconut oil. Chill thoroughly in fridge then process in an ice cream maker or champion juicer. ; )
This recipe serves twelve people. Mangluck- the seeds of thai basil have the same gelatinous when soaked traits as chia seeds but you can use mila if you have it. (*see earlier post on mila) It can be soaked and used as a pleasing garnish! PLUS OMEGA 3!
I'll post more recipes once I've tried them out. I don't want to disappoint anyone. I got this recipe from the book... LIving raw food by Sarma Melngailis coauthor of Raw food/real world.
It's pretty much amazing. and a great intro to raw food. Keep your eyes open because I am going to be doing a 30 Days Of RAW section soon. For all you raw foodies out there.
Peace and love.
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