Monday, April 16, 2012


This time making fruit leather I used strawberries, raspberries and a little bit of orange juice. It came out really sour but very tasty. For the next batch I added a little bit of agave' to make it sweeter. I like this combination.

*make sure the strawberries are like... a day from moldy. The darker and brighter the berries the better they will taste because the polypeptide chain is more broken down and sweet. ^_^

puree everything together in the food processor or blender and spoon it thickly onto the dehydrator sheets. (*if you think it's too thick then it's perfect... remember most of it is water and is going to be gone. You don't want the leather to be too thin.)

Day ONE of a Five day juice fast!

My best friends and I are doing a juice fast for five days to cleanse our systems of toxins. Juicing is such a great way to do that. We started today, (MONDAY) with a fresh beet, carrot and orange juice this morning and followed by a refreshing cucumber, apple, and mint! We are hungry but I have a feeling once we get two days in it will fade.

Our recipes:
3 medium beets
10 large juicing carrots
3 oranges (Peeled...)
we mixed everything together and added some water 3/4 juice 1/4 water.


2 medium apples
1 HUGE cucumber
1 lemon
1 lime
four sprigs of mint

mix everything together and add water! shake and enjoy!
Also, Ansley and I decided to take before and after pictures to show our results! 

We are ready to get skinny and healthy!